Oils. Natural Soy Wax, topped with Raw Beryl Crystal & Mugwort.
Summer Solstice is a luxury candle handmade by artisan professional astrologer.
Perfect for your Summer Solstice celebrations, rituals, and workings for peace, reconciliation and favour from spirits. Suitable for outdoor use.
This candle, ritually crafted on an authentic Sirius election, uses traditional planetary correspondences to Sirius of Beryl and Mugwort, embodying the blazing crown of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.
The sigil of Sirius adorns the candle.
The Dog Days of Summer, a reference to the hottest time of the year, takes its name from the brightest star in the sky - Sirius, aka 'The Dog Star'.
The moment at which Sirius begins to rise ahead of the Sun heralds not only warmer days, but used to signal the flooding of the Nile in Egypt and the Summer Solstice.
✨ In traditional magical application Sirius is associated with bringing peace, reconciliation and favour from spirits
✨ Our small batch of Summer Solstice three-wicked candles will be made under a full ritual Sirius election. Candles will be available from May 25th 2023.
Burn time 50+hours 500g Amber Glass Jar
Three Hemp Wicks
Black Lid
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