From our maker & owner:
Combining the natural magic of aromatherapy with the ancient wisdom of astrological magic, we're taking holistic self-care back to the cosmic level.
Astrological 'elections' have been used for millennia to select the most powerful planetary configurations under which to create items using natural planetary correspondences of herbs, plants, stones, images, colour, metals and fragrances embodying the qualities of the planet worked with. Indeed buildings, cities, voyages and companies have all been historically scheduled to begin at astrologically fortuitous times. Just as we have birth charts and embody the energies present at the moment of our birth, so do all things created and undertaken.
Our professional consulting astrologer over at www.invokingvenus.com, uses advanced ancient methods of timing to pin point the very best alignments to inspire and create our potent self care & ritual offerings.
We are committed to using only the finest & ethically sourced natural ingredients, and creating items that are beautiful, creatively inspired, sustainable, and perform well.